Alphabetically, A-Z Alphabetically, A-Z
  • The Nebula Booster NBZ-II is a specialized filter designed to enhance deep-sky imaging. With a 10nm H-alpha narrowband and an 8nm OIII narrowband, this filter provides superior contrast and detail for capturing nebulae and galaxies.   Unlike competitive 7nm or narrower filters that lose significant transmittance in fast optical systems (around F2), the NBZ-II maintains 80% or more transmittance under the same conditions.

  • The NGS1 (LPS-D3) is an advanced light pollution suppression filter that performs exceptionally well in both urban and rural settings. It effectively reduces interference from both artificial lights and natural night glow, enhancing the clarity and contrast of deep-sky objects.   As the world’s first filter to suppress both man-made light and night glow interference in the green, orange, and red ranges—including OI (557.7nm, 630.0nm, 636.4nm) and NaI (589.0nm, 589.6nm)—the NGS1 significantly improves image quality. It is also a successor...

  • Our Mag Mount Adapter for Kolari Magnetic Clip-in Filters (RED KOMODO) makes your RED KOMODO cinema camera compatible with our magnetic clip-in filters.   Our Kolari Magnetic Clip-in Filters for RED KOMODO are not compatible with the RED KOMODO X. Purchasing this adapter will not make our magnetic clip-in filters compatible with the RED KOMODO X.   Click here if you’re interested in our Kolari Magnetic Clip-in Filters for RED KOMODO options.